We Make It Easy To Get Life Insurance

Every day, we are inundated with ads and posts and subliminal messaging about the importance of life insurance. There are businesses out there advertising daily about the need for it and how to compare the best rates. 

What we have discovered at Sentinel Financial is that the majority of these ads are "bait and switch." This means that the only purpose for them is to get you to call and speak to an agent. 

We go against that grain. Want to apply for life insurance without ever speaking to an agent? We have that option. Want to see undisputed facts to make your own decision? We will give you them. 

Want to do what is best for both your financial and family situation without being bullied into a plan that does not work for you? That is what we will help you with. 

Sentinel Financial was founded as a life insurance brokerage. We are experts in helping people navigate the maze that is finding the right insurance. 


Types of Life Insurance Offered

Term Insurance

Term Insurance

Low cost insurance with a set amount of years that it is in force. Ideal for those on a budget or those looking to get a lot of coverage in place while they are young and working. 

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

Lifetime insurance that is more expensive than term insurance, but does not have a time limit. Best for those who are older and want to make sure there is money for final expenses or those who want insurance that lasts. 

Cash Value Life Insurance

Cash Value Life Insurance

This type of insurance is best for those looking to have life insurance as well as use tax benefits to grow cash value in their policy to borrow against. 

Term Insurance: How Much Is Enough? 

The question we see asked most often is how much coverage should I have? The answer is not very simple or easy. It will rely on some of the following factors: your age, number of dependents, age of dependents, outstanding debts, working years left, and more. 

What we look at as your trusted agent is your situation. We find how much coverage you need based on your situtation. 

We then look at your health to see what plans you can qualify for with our suite of over 50 life insurance carriers. 

After this, we find the lowest cost options we can and show you the benefits that they offer. It is at this point that we help you put together an application and see if we can get you approved.

Want to see what you qualify for immediately? Click the button below. 

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Final Expense or Whole Life? 

The most common terminology used now for a small whole life policy that is designed for burial or cremation is a final expense policy. There is no difference between a whole life or final expense policy. 

Contrary to popular belief, the advertisements on television about getting insurance for a dollar a day with guaranteed acceptance is not a smart deal for the consumer. In fact, this actually becomes one of the most expensive policies over time. 

Most times, as long as someone is healthy, they can get much more whole life coverage at a much lower rate. Do you need to see what kind of policy you can qualify for? Contact us and we will find the best options in your area and for your specific needs. 

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Be Your Own Bank - How?

One of the best uses we at Sentinel Financial have seen for cash value accumulating insurance is the concept of becoming your own bank. 

There are numerous marketing phrases and gimmicks that are shown in modern times for this, but the idea is simple. The client is approved for a large life insurance policy that is usually a Participating Whole Life (meaning that it is owned as a mutual company and the policy holders are paid dividends). Sometimes you see this done with an Indexed Universal Life policy, although this is not how the concept was originally invented. 

Becoming your own bank using life insurance is not difficult. It requires good health, time, and the right agent to build this correctly for you. 

With our combined 100+ years of experience in insurance, the agents at Sentinel Financial are here to answer your questions and see if you are a fit for a Be Your Own Bank policy. 

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